Plate & Knife Sharpening
Take sharpening into your own hands. Knife and plate sharpeners are popular for knife and plate retailers who want to offer a service. They’re also great for large processors who are ready to make a smart investment. When you’re in charge of your own knife and plate sharpening, you gain more control over your production. Grinding the face of a mincer plate flat is essential to maintaining a high quality cut whilst mincing. When a mincer is running, the knife revolves against the plate and wears it down, creating an uneven surface. This creates space between blade and plate and can result in smearing and a low-quality minced product. Pieco grinders are reliable machines that eliminate the need to outsource your resharpening. If you’re still experiencing smearing after getting your plates and knives back, switch to Barnco for your sharpening. If you don’t want to take any more chances, invest in a Pieco grinder today.